United Tax Liens Blog

Americans Destroyed by Inflation

Americans Destroyed by Inflation

New Poll Reveals Shocking Numbers of Americans Destroyed by Inflation

According to a new poll from Primerica, 68% of Americans say their income is falling behind the cost of living.

People are getting desperate.

And this week’s stock market correction/collapse will cause a lot of retirement accounts to take a hit.

But you don’t have to accept this! If you’re smart, you can fight back easily.

By finding and buying tax lien deals for even under $1,000, you can protect yourself from recessions.

When you can get homes for 50% discounted prices, for example by using this process, then market corrections won’t scare you at all!

To make it through bad economies, you must be proactive. And tax liens are the way to do it from home and without good credit!

Inflation Reaches 25% In Some Places

The popular American store chain “Dollar Tree” was recently forced to boost all its prices to $1.25 instead of the brand-specific $1.00.

Why did they do this? Inflation forced their hand.

It doesn’t sound too bad at first, but when you realize this is a 25% increase in prices among ALL the products in the store… you start to see how bad things really are.

But not everyone is suffering.

Some investors are buying good real estate properties for 50% less than they’re worth!

And you can do it too.

Forget about the declining economy or prices going up. You can’t control it and the best defense is a good offense anyway.

Instead, focus all your energy on following this real estate investing blueprint, and you could be much wealthier this time next year.

About The Author

United Tax Liens

United Tax Liens is a group of experienced, active investors providing everyday people with access to one of the best Real Estate Investment vehicles available today.

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